The Integrated nested Laplace approximation for fitting Dirichlet regression models


This vignette is devoted to explain how to use the package dirinla. It is a R-package to fit Dirichlet regression models using R-INLA. It can be installed and upgraded via the repository In this manual, we simulate some data from a Dirichlet distribution to posteriorly fit them using the main function of the package dirinla.



We firstly illustrate how to simulate 100 data points from a Dirichlet regression model with three different categories and one different covariate per category: being the parameters that compose the latent field β01 = −1.5, β02 = −2, β03 = 0 (the intercepts), and β11 = 1, β12 = 2.3, β13 = −1.9 (the slopes). Note that covariates are different for each category. This could be particularized for a situation where all of them are the same. For simplicity, covariates are simulated from a Uniform distribution on (0,1). To posteriorly fit the model, a following the structure of LGMs, Gaussian prior distributions are assigned with precision 10−4 to all the elements of the Gaussian field.

### --- 2. Simulating from a Dirichlet likelihood --- ####
N <- 100 #number of data
V <- * N, 0, 1), ncol = 4)) #Covariates
names(V) <- paste0('v', 1:4)

formula <- y ~ 1 + v1 | 1 + v2 | 1 + v3
(names_cat <- formula_list(formula))

intercepts <-
x <- c(-1.5, 1, #Cat 1
       -2, 2.3, #Cat 2
       0 , -1.9) #Cat 3

mus <- exp(x) / sum(exp(x))
C <- length(names_cat)
data_stack_construct <-
  data_stack_dirich(y = as.vector(rep(NA, N * C)),
                    covariates = names_cat,
                    data       = V,
                    d          = C,
                    n          = N)

A_construct <- data_stack_construct
A_construct[1:8, ]

eta <- A_construct %*% x
alpha <- exp(eta)
alpha <- matrix(alpha,
                ncol  = C,
                byrow = TRUE)
y_o <- rdirichlet(N, alpha)
colnames(y_o) <- paste0("y", 1:C)

Fitting the model

The next step is to call the dirinlareg function in order to fit a model to the data. We just need to specify the formula, the response variable, the covariates and the precision for the Gaussian prior distribution of the parameters.

### --- 3. Fitting the model --- ####
y <- y_o
model.inla <- dirinlareg(
  formula  = y ~ 1 + v1 | 1 + v2 | 1 + v3,
  y        = y,
  data.cov = V,
  prec     = 0.0001,
  verbose  = TRUE)

To collect information about the fitted values and marginal posterior distributions of the parameters, we can use the methods summary and plot directly to the dirinlaregmodel object generated.


#> Call: 
#>  dirinlareg(formula = y ~ 1 + v1 | 1 + v2 | 1 + v3, y = y, data.cov = V, 
#>     prec = 1e-04, verbose = TRUE)
#> ---- FIXED EFFECTS ---- 
#> ======================================================================= 
#> y1
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
#>             mean     sd
#> intercept -1.554 0.2014
#> v1         1.018 0.3690
#>           0.025quant 0.5quant
#> intercept    -1.9490   -1.554
#> v1            0.2948    1.018
#>           0.975quant   mode
#> intercept     -1.159 -1.554
#> v1             1.741  1.018
#> ======================================================================= 
#> y2
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
#>             mean     sd
#> intercept -1.760 0.2329
#> v2         1.985 0.3971
#>           0.025quant 0.5quant
#> intercept     -2.217   -1.760
#> v2             1.206    1.985
#>           0.975quant   mode
#> intercept     -1.304 -1.760
#> v2             2.763  1.985
#> ======================================================================= 
#> y3
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
#>               mean     sd
#> intercept -0.05926 0.2500
#> v3        -1.94703 0.4158
#>           0.025quant 0.5quant
#> intercept    -0.5493 -0.05926
#> v3           -2.7619 -1.94703
#>           0.975quant     mode
#> intercept     0.4307 -0.05926
#> v3           -1.1322 -1.94703
#> ======================================================================= 
#>  No hyperparameters in the model 
#> ======================================================================= 
#> DIC = 1821.0258 , WAIC = 1711.0297 , LCPO = 913.8331 
#> Number of observations: 100
#> Number of Categories: 3

Plot of the posterior distributions

Posterior predictive distribution in the simplex. Points represent the original data

Posterior distributions of the parameters. Vertical line represents the real value


The package provides a method predict to compute posterior predictive distributions for new individuals. To show how this function works, we will predict for a value of v1 = 0.2, v2 = 0.5, and v3 = -0.1:

### --- 5. Predicting for v1 = 0.25, v2 = 0.5, v3 = 0.5, v4 = 0.1 --- ####
model.prediction <-
                  data.pred.cov = data.frame(v1 = 0.2 ,
                                         v2 = 0.5,
                                         v3 = -0.1))
#>  ---------------------- Predicting ----------------- 
#> $y1
#>            Min.   1st Qu.
#> [1,] 0.05081666 0.1148318
#>         Median     Mean
#> [1,] 0.1372828 0.140574
#>        3rd Qu.     Max.
#> [1,] 0.1619587 0.329834
#> $y2
#>            Min.   1st Qu.
#> [1,] 0.07885033 0.2030518
#>         Median     Mean
#> [1,] 0.2470195 0.252963
#>        3rd Qu.      Max.
#> [1,] 0.2966276 0.5925873
#> $y3
#>           Min.   1st Qu.
#> [1,] 0.3085923 0.5549314
#>         Median     Mean
#> [1,] 0.6094129 0.606463
#>        3rd Qu.     Max.
#> [1,] 0.6599189 0.831211

### --- 6. We can also predict directly --- ####
model.inla <- dirinlareg(
  formula  = y ~ 1 + v1 | 1 + v2 | 1 + v3,
  y        = y,
  data.cov = V,
  prec     = 0.0001,
  verbose  = FALSE,
  prediction = TRUE,
  data.pred.cov = data.frame(v1 = 0.2 ,
                             v2 = 0.5,
                             v3 = -0.1))
#>  ---------------------- Looking for the mode ----------------- 
#>  ----------------------    INLA call    ----------------- 
#>  ---------------------- Obtaining linear predictor ----------------- 
#>  ---------------------- Predicting ----------------- 

#> $y1
#>            Min.   1st Qu.
#> [1,] 0.05081666 0.1148318
#>         Median     Mean
#> [1,] 0.1372828 0.140574
#>        3rd Qu.     Max.
#> [1,] 0.1619587 0.329834
#> $y2
#>            Min.   1st Qu.
#> [1,] 0.07885033 0.2030518
#>         Median     Mean
#> [1,] 0.2470195 0.252963
#>        3rd Qu.      Max.
#> [1,] 0.2966276 0.5925873
#> $y3
#>           Min.   1st Qu.
#> [1,] 0.3085923 0.5549314
#>         Median     Mean
#> [1,] 0.6094129 0.606463
#>        3rd Qu.     Max.
#> [1,] 0.6599189 0.831211